
Chorley SSP

Leadership Academy

Providing opportunities, support, training and development for young people that are committed to actively volunteering within their community.

Secondary School Students

Experience to learn and develop

Each academic year we recruit a new crop of leaders with our partner high schools from students from Year 9 and 10 who demonstrate a keen interest in volunteering and leadership. The academy programme is designed to encourage personal development and provide invaluable experience in the sports industry, setting a great foundation for their future career aspirations. 

Get Involved

At our September Leadership Academy induction event, we will provide a preview of the experiences and what to expect over the year. As a vital member of our dynamic second workforce, you’ll play a very important role in helping us to deliver over 70 events annually for both primary and secondary school students. Your dedication will not only contribute to the success of these events but also accumulate valuable hours. These hours are more than just numbers; they represent key milestones. As you reach these milestones, you’ll unlock a series of rewards that celebrate your commitment, effort and learning including: 

  • Officiating kits  
  • Leaders’ t-shirt 
  • Celebration Day: be part of the School Games festivities. 
  • Sports Awards Recognition: where we spotlight the most committed and improved leaders. 

Graduating the academy means you’ve completed over 40 hours demonstrating essential personal skills that will be invaluable in your future. So, iyou’re eager to develop your passion for sports into meaningful experiences, then Chorley SSP’s Leadership Academy is your springboard. 

Who To Contact

Micaela Brindle

Bikeability and Competition Manager

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I manage and deliver an annual calendar of school sport competitions and the bikeability programme across all our schools. I take immense satisfaction in positively impacting children’s lives and nurturing their passion for sports, drawing from my own experiences as a former international athlete. When I’m not working, I love baking and outdoor adventures, especially those that involve a picnic!

James McVittie

PE & Sport Project Manager

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I oversee a variety of projects, including competitions, assessments and our ITC system and processes, while also nurturing school relationships. My family is my ultimate passion followed by sport, I actively participate in football and cricket. The most rewarding aspect of my work is making a positive difference in children’s lives and cultivating their enthusiasm for physical education.



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Chorley SSP

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