Year 6 Academy

The Academy runs for 6 weeks providing a key component of the talent development pathway for pupils identified as gifted and talented in PE and sport.

The primary purpose of the academy is to create an environment which develops the young person's agility, balance, co-ordination, body awareness and thinking skills. It is designed to bridge the transition from primary to secondary school. The activities are non sports specific and are based around the development of fundamental movement and sports skills.

It is for those children who are excellent all rounders in every aspect of PE. To support schools we have developed a assessment programme to help schools identify G&T pupils.

There will be 2 camps across the partnership during the year, which culminates in an 'Its a Knockout' style competition for all Year 6's involved.

Chorley School Sport Partnership
Chorley St Peter's CofE Primary School, Eaves Lane, Chorley
Tel: 01257 449278

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